1) According to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) it is completely within your rights to request recorded video surveillance if it relates to you. If you’re caught on camera, it’s within your rights to request that information regardless of whether it is a civil or criminal matter.
2) If you are in a public space it is completely within your rights to video record or take photographs of whomever or whatever you like. In many cases, you will find that the general public, and even those within the security profession, are often unsure of this right. Here’s a great video that outlines this common misconception.
3) Deleted video recordings are not gone; in many cases they are completely recoverable using specialized forensic software, experience, and knowledge of the original recording device.
4) All video is not created equal. There are certain ways to extract video evidence from a recording device that are better than others – ways that can provide you with better evidence if done correctly.
5) Your eyes can deceive you. If you don’t believe me have a look at the image below; would you believe me if I told you that the green and blue swirls are the same colour?
Look closer….they actually are!
This is just one of the ways our eyes can fool our brain into seeing something that is not factually accurate. This affect often happens when an untrained eye is viewing recorded video and trying to decipher what is occurring. Especially when recorded images may be difficult to see, the event is traumatic, or the recording system has not captured all of the relevant information.
This is just an example of common issues regarding visual evidence, but there are many more examples of situations that may surprise you. Make sure you have the right answers and the best evidence possible for your case. Contact us if you need assistance or have any questions.